Another Identity Game from Evan Iliadis – Surprise-

Surprise Surprise ( Not really..),

The wellknown cyberstalker Evan Iliadis shouting loudly all over the Internet has been caught by another big fat blatant (can I say Greek?) LIE.

His whole skyscraper of lies is falling apart again with a string of posts in the by his so often as “reference” from Living in Cebu forums.

Well,  here it comes.

Some time ago Mr. Chris Bennetts under the  “nome de Plum”  “Philippine Escape” warned the public about an undesirable Foreigner, mainly due to to personal Reasons and knowledge about this man. (Which are not important any more too stir up here again, the loss of his Child to a couple of drug addicts is harsh enough.) The Thread in question is here:

At a certain point and out of nowhere comes the gentleman, who has been warned about :

“Dean Marston” himself upon the plain as poster and member, as it seems……..

“He” only made 10 posts, because then the topic has run its course and was locked. Never to be heard of anywhere in the LinC, his member ID is still valid and open. But “controlled” of course..

What is interesting is, that at that time, Mr.Evan Iliadis was also very vivid and active member of  the same Living In Cebu Forums ( But that’s another funny post), and has already started his trolling activities or laid the groundwork for it. His Nome de Plum was “france06250” ( how secret, yawn ) and he was active in 2008 and 2009 raising nice topics with BS like this :

Which is coincidentally the Topic where he asks why he can not continue to post as Dean Marston.

Cyberstalker Evan Iliadis tries to defend his fake identity as Dean marston.

Evan Iliadis defends his Cyberstalking and Troll Identity

What ?? Yup- Mr. Evan Iliadis posted in the topic before as Dean Marston and now demands under his normal name to reopen the thread for his other ID as “Dean Marston “- an ID which was registered in Living-in-cebu-Forums with the following email :,

which leads to another of Evan’s fake profile  in facebook :  – he uses this and a few other profiles to distribute links to local Filipinos until facebook prohibited that to him.

Evan Iliadis probably forgot that he used that yahoo email a couple of time already… so he used it again in 2011 to open the fake facebook account. As well as he used this IP address a few other times for other purposes IP Address : (Ring a bell Evan ?)

So what do we have here now ?

A man ‘Chris Bennetts” who posted a warning about another foreigner who was wanted for rape and drug abuse as well as other criminal acts among other stuff.

Then Mr. Evan Iliadis reads this and participates in that Topic under a fake identity as the Person accused, namely Dean Marston. (Why not under his own name, or better his own user name, nobody knew who “France06250” was back then ?? Despicable Coward !)

So I am asking why would anyone do that ? Oh, I forgot, Mr. Iliadis is a cyberstalker.



Another “blackmail” by Evan Iliadis

Mr.Iliadis, as so many delusional Cybertrolls, really thinks that he has a certain ” power” over people and can “force” them to do what they demand.

Here is an Email I received from him, where he expects me to use “influence” at certain People, which of course I denied .evans demandFirst again the strange writing style in “riddle” form. Then follows one of his usual unprovoked insults. A truly “nice” person..

Then again the LIE and “bragging” about a non existent International “Team of Activists”, and the impertinent demand to mingle in an ongoing investigation by the Police and Prosecution of a sovereign nation. ( Which is criminal ! )

He asks that I seriously also shall go to an Embassy of another Nation…

and to ask Interpol to investigate in a local brawl, finally to top all this nonsense, I shall do that all behind the back of the real Victims and complainants of the Case in question ! (That is the couple he mentioned )

And all of this I shall do with evidence based upon several apparently “photoshopped” fuzzy Images he posted in his strange Blogs. Actually up to this point his blogs were not that strange, but lately they became unreadable and incomprehensible for anyone.

He then closes his email with the very threatening : “‘I’ll be waiting” which can only be taken out of of some violent movie ( Schwarzenegger ? )

This is what the Cyberstalker Evan Iliadis lately became, a poor 65 year old delusional Criminal. Does he realize the shame he projects on his Family ?

Anyhow, I think I have posted enough information about this “person”now. He will never stop blogging his Tirades of nonsense, but why not let him have his “hobby”. So if nothing extraordinary happens, I see this”affair” finished sufficiently for me.

If anyone wants to know more,he can contact me through this blog, I be  glad to help.

Thank you,

Guenther Vomberg

The Author, laughing about Evan Iliadis

Evan Iliadis Lies and defamation about the Philippine Coastguard Auxiliary !

Here is how Evan Iliadis defames anyone who is devoting time and money to volunteer Organizations.

This is the mechanics, if one cannot attack the Person, simply defame the Rest of his surroundings.

So when the cyberstalker cannot Lie about the Person, he simply defames the Organization.

Now Evan Iliadis insults an “Army” of around 24.000 Civic Minded People in the Philippines. Plus the worldwide uncounted Numbers of Volunteers risking their Life and Limbs at Sea.

One has to realize, that there comes a half literate, who can not even spell the Name correctly of what he defames here, or anything else for that matter, and proclaims with the arrogance only a “madman” can possess, that the honorable Volunteer Organization of the Philippine Coastguard Auxiliary is just another “Club”of People.

No Wonder that nobody can take him serious again.

For the innocent Reader it is clear, that Volunteer Coastguards all over the World are beyond doubt to be ranked in the same “honor” category as for example Volunteer Fire Brigades. ( Which ideally mostly also keep themselve busy with playing cards).
And I guess, the Reader of this Blog agree, that it is very good that way. 🙂

Because if one needs the Philippine Coastguard Auxiliary, it means Supertyphoons, Landslides, Vulcan Eruptions, Flashflood and other disaster which the “regular” official Coastguard cannot handle anymore.
The Coastguard Motto is  : ” We risk our life to safe yours”

…..and yes, when we have nobody to rescue, we clean beaches also ! And we are proud of it !

Evan Iliadis KNOWS that actually and ADMITS that the Coastguard is an honorable organization in the same “Chat” he loves to citate and partially publishes to defame me so often.
Now it bites him back again.

  • 10 January
    Evan Iliadis
    • Then please, disassociate anything that makes a good person, like your volunteer work in the Coastal guard and others that you have mentioned from this forum. Just delete the topic…
  • Guenther Vomberg

    Note- apparently he really hates that Forum as one can see in that email also :
    His Anger was, because I “advertised” in his hated forum, that anyone with yachts or boats and volunteer mentality and qualification can apply at the Coastguard.

Now let me resume again- Evan Iliadis, who admits, that he does not know anything about me, posts a lot of stories based upon, well what ?

Like that I want anyone to “invest” into anything ?  Where did he get that from ? Most probably the Imagination of a criminal Cyber Harrasser – based upon… his own Fantasy… I have two Restaurant and a Bistro, I do not need any Investor.

Back to the Philippine Coastguard Auxiliary. Here is the Link for Interested people which fullfil the qualifications and like to devote their Time and Money.

Because what that impertinent Cyberstalker does not write is that WE PAY TO HELP- everything is financed by the  volunteers, Our Boats, Our Uniform, Our Rescue Material, Communications, everything.
That we wear a Uniform is pretty much common for a volunteer Organization, as mentioned, the Volunteer Fire Brigades do the same. It’s Tradition. An also make sense,because if there is Chaos in , lets hope not, a natural desaster, People would certainly not listen the guidance of some People in civilian clothing.

I will also make sure, that the Philippine Coastguard Admirality see the Impertinent blogs and remarks of this “Person”. 

To insult a volunteer organization is the lowest form of Character a Person can show. 
Maybe Evan Iliadis retract hisstaemnts.

Or he may contact our “Partner” Organization near his home in FRANCE  :

Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer